Life Insurance Help


Life Insurance Help

If you have been refused life insurance, help is at hand

Life Insurance for Overweight

declined life insurance

It can come as a shock to find out you have been declined life insurance. The main reasons for an insurance company to decline life insurance applications are poor health, pre-existing medical conditions, or dangerous occupations or pastimes. Some of the main insurance companies are not interested in people who have had been declined life insurance elsewhere. If you have been declined life insurance it is very important that you do not rush into another application, as you risk having your application for life insurance declined again. Our approach is different as we put your cases directly in front of an underwriter who will give us a good indication of whether they will accept your case or apply any special terms to it. If they decide not to accept your case, it doesn’t mean that you have another declined life insurance application that you will need to declare on future application forms. Only when we feel that you stand a reasonable chance of acceptance do we make a formal application. This doesn’t guarantee they will accept your life insurance application, but as long as you have declared everything, you stand a very good chance of being accepted. Even if you are declined life insurance again, this approach minimises the number of declined life insurance applications you need to declare.


refused life insurance

If you have been refused life insurance it can be a very confusing and worrying time. Many of the reasons an insurer will give for deciding to refuse life insurance can come as quite a surprise. Many people have been refused life insurance for conditions that may appear minor, such as high blood pressure, body weight and diabetes to name but a few. If you have been refused life insurance for a pre-existing medical condition, whether or not you feel the decline was appropriate, help is still at hand. Just because you have been refused life insurance by one company it doesn’t mean that your application won’t be accepted by other insurers. The trick is finding the right insurer who won’t refuse life insurance. Our unique approach is based upon years of experience in dealing with people in your situation and the insurers. We understand the insurers terms and conditions and will only place your business with an insurer who would be open to accepting your application, given your medical history. This greatly reduces your chances of being refused life insurance again.


can’t get life insurance

There can be many reasons why you can’t get life insurance. It is usually to do with personal health issues or your occupation or life style. Just because you think you can’t get life insurance, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you are uninsurable. It may be that you can’t get life insurance simply because the insurer you applied to doesn’t cover your condition or occupation. This means that there may be another insurer out there who would be happy to accept you at standard rates. However the skill lies in knowing what insurers will accept and which insurers won’t. Furthermore the ability to place your case in front of a decision maker without making a formal application means that the likelihood that you can’t get life insurance are dramatically reduced. We do not charge a fee for the work we do on your behalf so if you think you can’t get life insurance, you can do nothing better than ask Platinum to help you.


life insurance declined

If you have had your application for life insurance declined, do not panic as help is at hand. We specialise in helping people who have had their life insurance declined find an insurance company who is willing to accept their application. Some insurance companies are not in the market for people with pre-existing medical conditions or hazardous occupations. Other insurance companies are, and we help you find the right one to apply to. That way you minimise the likelihood that you will have another application for life insurance declined. We work with you every stage of the process to make sure we clearly understand why you have had your life insurance declined and to find an insurer who is willing to accept your application.


life insurance refused

It can be a stressful time to find out that you have had your life insurance refused. We are experts in knowing which insurance companies might accept your application to save you having your life insurance refused again. In some cases, we may be able to recommend an insurance company straight away, given our knowledge of the insurer’s criteria, for example for people who have a high BMI or Body Mass Index, that is a high weight to height ratio. In other cases, we discuss your case in details with the underwriters, and can usually get back to you within 48 hours with a recommended way forward. This way, the chances of you having your life insurance refused again are reduced dramatically. Other people have their life insurance refused due to a complex mix of medical conditions and history. In these circumstances we gather information on your medication, medical conditions and history, and submit this all to the underwriters who review your case. They then tell us whether they will accept your application, offer you rated premiums, or whether it is another case of life insurance refused. This all happens before we submit your application, so we pick which insurance company looks best for your circumstances.

cannot get life insurance

If you think you cannot get life insurance then give us a call. We have years of experience in helping people who believe they cannot get life insurance find an insurance company who will accept their application. We have a proven track record of helping people get life insurance whether they are suffering from a pre-existing medical condition, or if they are in a dangerous job or hazardous occupation. Oil rig workers often struggle to find an insurer who will accept their application and believe that they cannot get life insurance. It is simply about knowing to whom to apply. People sometimes cannot get life insurance due to their hobby or pastime. Sailing, diving, caving, potholing and hang gliding can all be classed as hazardous pastimes and may mean that you cannot get life insurance. Again, it is just about knowing who to apply to.


reasons for being declined life insurance

There are many reasons for being declined life insurance. It may be something in your medical history, an existing medical condition, or you may work in a hazardous occupation. Another of the key reasons for being declined life insurance is past drug use, past suicide attempt or past alcohol abuse. We can help you find life insurance in such circumstances, but it will depend on how long ago these events happened. One of the most common reasons for being declined life insurance that we come across is people’s body mass index or BMI. This BMI index compares your height with your weight, and if you are overweight you will have a high BMI. High BMI is one of the key reasons for being declined life insurance because each insurance company will have a maximum BMI, above which they will decline life insurance applications. With our wealth of experience helping people who have had their life insurance turned down, we know which insurance company will accept you with your BMI index.


postponed life

If you have had your life insurance postponed, the insurance company will usually have offered to review your application again at some point in the future. We have helped people who have been offered postponed life insurance because we approach the other insurers to see if anyone will take your life insurance application without postponement. Each insurance company has different criteria, and it is our job to find the insurance company whose criteria match your circumstances. The most common reason for having your life insurance postponed is that you may have undergone some medical investigations, or be due to undergo some medical investigation, the results of which are not yet known. In these circumstances, we may be able to find an insurer who will not make it a condition that your life insurance is postponed. Please give us a call and we will do all we can to help.

pre-existing medical conditions

We specialise in helping people with pre-existing medical conditions get life insurance. Pre existing medical conditions will be taken into account by the insurer, but it will often depend on the severity of your condition, how long you have had the existing medical condition, and what medication or treatment you are receiving. We will make sure we discuss your pre existing condition and your full medical history with you before we discuss it with the insurers. That way the insurance company get full disclosure on your existing medical conditions without us having to put a full application to them. They will give us an indication of whether or not they would be willing to accept your application. If your pre-existing medical condition is causing you to be turned down for life insurance, then just give us a call.

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