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The Seven Steptoerai

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  First Broadcast : 25 September 1974  

The episode was written and produced at a time when “kung fu” was extremely popular in the UK and Bruce Lee was an icon due to his very popular martial art films.

Harold returns from the rounds with the biggest Chinese pot I have ever seen to find Albert missing. Albert on his return tries to make him believe that he was “down the cemetery visiting his mother’s grave” but due to him being a very messy eater, evidence gives away enough clues to tell Harold where he really was….

Albert then enthuses about the local martial art double bill at the cinema and that “kung fu” was deadly, Harold not completely convinced shows off his latest acquisition to his father and as ever it looks like Harold has been tucked up with a reproduction when a knock on the door disturbs them.


A local villain called Frankie Barrow (played by excellent Henry Woolf) turns up with a couple of heavies offering “insurance”(i.e. a protection racket) to Albert and Harold. Apparently he had just been released from prison and had been round the ‘bush that morning offering the same services to all the other totters in the area.


Albert and Harold worried by the exorbitant costs and fear of retribution if payments were not kept up hatch a scheme to raise the “Oil Drum Lane Vigilantes” based on a famous martial arts film called “The Seven Samurai”….

Can Albert rustle up enough “muscle” to face the threat?

And was it wise to tell everyone around the 'bush' that he had told Frankie to “get stuffed” when a heavy comes on collection day?


  Review Posted by : GRAHAM   To submit an Alternative Review Click Here  

The Seven Steptoerai

Frankie Barrow is out and he needs some easy money. Albert and Harold are obvious targets.

Albert's been to the cinema so he knows a thing or two about Kung Fu.


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